MOTIVATION THEORIES: Employee work efficiency

 Many Theorists throughout the history of mankind have come up with various theories on what motivates employees. Employee motivation is needed to retain them and make sure the work is done efficiently and fast enough. 

The first theory would be Fredrick Taylor and the theory of an economic man. Taylor believed that people are only motivated by money and the piece rate method of payment(payment to a worker for each unit produced) should be used. He believed workers should be supervised closely with no discussion or feedback being taken from them. This idea of no discussion also be called an autocratic management style or one-way communication. To achieve the best efficiency for a business he has a step-by-step process.

The next prominent theory of motivation is Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This theory starts off similar to Taylor’s where people need their physical needs that are purchased with money but later develop other needs which when fulfilled they feel motivated for a short duration. After that duration, they believe they need more and move up the pyramid. The pyramid is a very common meme template and the origin of the template is the Pyramid of Maslow’s.

Though this theory may seem well calculated and human for people of today compared to Taylor’s theory, it has its limitations such as people having different needs and not following the pyramid and the concept of self-actualisation being nearly impossible to achieve.

Another Frederick, Frederick Herzberg had a two-factor theory. He believed that there are two major factors; Hygiene and Motivating factors. Hygiene factors do not motivate an employee, but a lack of them does in fact demotivate them. This could include salaries, working conditions, social relations, etc. Motivators are the opposite, their existence motivates employees but not existing does not do anything to the current state. This includes recognition, responsibility, advancements, etc. 

All these theories have various ways of thinking however, we do have to note that every single one of them considers money a requirement and after which other things to motivate employees. When employees have their needs satisfied then they shall feel indebted to the company and be motivated to work, but after that has been the norm, workers shall need other factors to motivate them like in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory. There are many more theories and ideas to motivate employees but the story at the end is the same. Money is the bare minimum and then people will look for something else when their needs are clearly satisfied and companies need to meet those needs if they wish to succeed in the future.


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